How do I create a new Subversion repository?

In order to use Subversion (SVN), you must first create a repository to host your files. Once created, you can then access the files in the repository using your Subversion client software on your computer (for example, by using TortoiseSVN).

To create a new SVN repository:

  1. Log in to the Control Panel using your ProjectHut account username and password.
  2. Click on the Subversion Repositories menu link.
  3. Click on the Create new Subversion Repository link.
  4. Enter a name for the project (e.g. myproject).
  5. Here you have the option to also create a Trac project of the same name and associate it with this repository. Uncheck the Create Trac project with same name? checkbox if you do not want to also create a Trac project.
  6. Click the Create button to create the subversion repository.

Once you have finished creating the repository, you can return to the repository list by clicking on the Subversion Repositories menu link. Here you will now find that the new repository is shown in the repository list.

Note: If you click on a repository name, it will take you to the SVN URL for the project. For example, the URL for the myproject repository is of the form:

You can now use this URL to access the repository from your Subversion client. For example, enter this URL in to the Repo-browser of TortoiseSVN to browse the contents and history, or check out a working copy on to your local computer and start uploading your files.

See also:


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